You are a company in the packaging industry, work with packaging machine manufacturers and are interested in a partnership?
Your company or a central branch office is located in southwest Germany?
Come to Packaging Valley! The alliance networks companies from the packaging industry, and has the objective of pooling expertise and strengthening it on a global scale.
Manufactures of packaging machines, component manufacturers, software and automation providers, as well as complementary service providers and public institutions are among our members. All are innovative specialists and profit collectively from a growing network. Joint projects, cooperation and a unified presence on a single platform foster publicity and reach. Have you browsed the facts about Packaging Valley yet?
As a member of Packaging Valley you profit
from our network and make use of the following advantages:
Worldwide cluster for packaging machines
Present your company at hosted events
Shared booth at packaging trade fairs
Expand your internet presence
Your presence in our marketing materials
Networking and exchange
If you’d like to find out more about memberships, please contact us.