Online Event "Digitization tool increases production efficiency" with Peerox GmbH

Date: 08.02.2023 - 08.02.2023

Place: online, Germany

The fight against the shortage of skilled workers in production - MADDOX as a digitalization tool for experiential knowledge


Demographic change and employee turnover are presenting companies globally with new challenges. Without experienced machine operators, the efficiency of modern and highly automated production machines is far below their technical possibilities. Knowledge about solution strategies already documented in e-mails or other software tools is usually not available. However, if a knowledge database is available, the difficulty is often the keyword search and the associated database maintenance.

With the self-learning assistance system MADDOX, knowledge is always available to machine operators at the right time. The self-developed search algorithm analyzes the machine data and presents situationally suitable entries from the knowledge database proactively and without the need for a keyword search of its own.


In the online event, you will learn how you can use MADDOX to:

  • Train your employees more quickly
  • Achieve an increase in your production efficiency
  • Digitize your company's experiential knowledge


Target group:

Members of Packaging Valley Germany e.V.
Managing Director, Innovation Manager, Technical Manager


Event Informations:

When: February 8, 2023 I 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Where: Online – Link will be sent after registration



Andre Schult, Peerox GmbH

Andre Schult, Founder and CEO of Peerox GmbH




We look forward to your participation!

Your Packaging Valley Team

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of female and male language is selected below.
All personal names apply equally to all genders.