Change in the Board of Management of Packaging Valley

Managing Board of Packaging Valley with founding member Hans Bühler
F.l.t.r.: Uwe Herold (E+K), Bernd Hansen (ROMMELAG), Hans Bühler (OPTIMA), Elke Bader (BPS), Sabine Gauger (OPTIMA) und Kurt Engel (Technologiezentrum Schwäbisch Hall)
At the general membership meeting at the end of last year Sabine Gauger (OPTIMA) was elected Vice President. Further members elected were Elke Bader (BPS) and Uwe Herold (E+K). After nine years, founding member Hans Bühler (OPTIMA) did not stand for reelection. With him Reinald Weiss (R.WEISS) also stepped down after 6 years in office, in order to allow the integration of further members into the management of the association.
Vice President Sabine Gauger was elected unanimously. She has always been closely involved in the management of the association, both as co-initiator in setting up the association in 2007 and as Marketing Manager at OPTIMA and also as Speaker for the Marketing Working Circle. Uwe Herold succeeds Reinald Weiss. Elke Bader, Member of the Board since its foundation in 2007, was reaffirmed in her position.
The President Bernd Hansen (ROMMELAG) and the Treasurer Kurt Engel (Technologiezentrum Schwäbisch Hall) – stand again for election in 2017.
Packaging Valley begins its Anniversary Year 2017 with this management team. The focus is on 10 years of successful business. An “Open Air Party” is planned for all employees and colleagues of member companies. There will be a “Stand Party” at the Interpack Fair. Here, Packaging Valley is represented on a joint stand of approx. 650 m² and with the adjacent stands of Rommelag and OPTIMA in Hall 16, simply cannot be missed.